

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Guide - Stock exchange investments

Stock market is growing fast. Over the past 10 years, the total value of stocks listed in all of the world's stock markets rose from $4.7 trillion to $15.2 trillion, while the share of total world capitalization represented by the emerging markets jumped from less than 4 percent to almost 13 percent. Trading in the emerging markets also surged: the value of shares traded climbed from less than 3 percent of the world total in 1985 to 17 percent in 1995. The stock market is one of the most important sources for companies to raise money. This allows businesses to go public, or raise additional capital for expansion. The liquidity that an exchange provides affords investors the ability to quickly and easily sell securities. This is an attractive feature of investing in stocks, compared to other less liquid investments such as real estate.
Investment in share market involves a detailed scrutiny of all the stocks of companies listed in “Stock Exchanges”. For a new investor it is extremely important to evaluate major stock performances carefully. is a unique site which provides investors with daily buy / sells indication levels on Stocks in different Stock Markets, World Leading Indices, USA Treasury Yields, Oil and Gold. Such outlook may assist Investors with timing their investments. Their Stock Market Forecast report is based solely upon technical analysis and ignores any underlying economic fundamentals. has an algorithm, based upon momentum indicators, which allows investors to get an indication about a change of direction of Stocks, Leading Indices, Sectors, ETFs and US Treasury Yields. It provide complete guidance to a investor during Online Stock Trading, Day Trading, delivery trading, etc.
Uctrend scans over 800 major stocks and ETFs on a daily basis, searching for stocks that have a high probability to change direction. The system creates 4 types of indications for a status of a stock:
• Buy - Attractive Price level (High probability to go up).
• Positive - Current price level is still in positive zone.
• Sell - Warning for possible decline.
• Negative - Current price level is still in negative zone.

Workings of Stock Exchange

The New York Stock Exch may have stocks listed that are listed on other major Stock Markets. A company headquartered in Amsterdam may be listed on multiple stock exchanges. How does the stock market work can be intimidating at times. Many foreign organized companies are listed on the New York Stock Exchange. There is a tremendous value for foreign companies to be listed on an exchange in the U.S. The exposure and knowledge of a foreign company has a face on the New York Stock Market.

An example would be a China stock Baidu. These information and search technology company has grown in leaps and bounds since it was introduced on the New York Market. Sometimes all it takes is making a good impression to stock analysts and a good review by key people to give the foreign company a boost. How does the stock market work is very fascinating but you need to have a proper system in place. Keep reading!

The reality of the Stock Market today is its world wide integration of investors, companies and alliances that create an unprecedented dynamic. Thus far this United Nations of the financial markets has produced an unspoken treaty of like minds. The main objective is to create a win-win scenario for all of the world players in the Stock Market.

Any investor wherever located may hold a substantial stake in any given equity no matter where the equity is traded. The Stock Market is a very large private club that anyone can join with the only admission ticket is the price of a single share of stock.

Most people are aware of American companies utilizing off shore manufacturing of their products. It may be not as well known that some traditional American brand companies are owned by foreign companies. Other American brand companies have a significant multi-national presence with significant stock ownership by foreign banks and investors.

The term equity should be broadly interpreted. There are equities that involve the manufacturing of products and goods, but a product can be intellectual or an entity like insurance. Banks are equities and financial brokers are all traded on the various exchanges. An investor may own gold stocks, mining companies and equities that package these equities into a corporate entity. The only limitation is that if the investor is interested in owning the commodity or trading in the futures market the Chicago Mercantile or other commodities exchanges is the investing tool.

In other words you may own a bank as an equity who may have bonds and other commercial paper that may trade on the commodities exchanges, but you can' t buy a commodity as a stock. If you want a commodity like wheat, currency, corn, gold, silver or the like you need to look to the commodities exchange.

In the United States the New York Stock Market is comprised of the NASDAQ, NYSE and the newly created combination of the NYSE Group with Euronext in April, 2007. The Euronext holding company is a phenomenal synergy between Paris and the NYSE whose history goes back to 1792.

The Euronext is a combination of derivatives, currency and equities to name a sample of products. There are other exchanges that include the AMEX. There are listing requirements for each of the exchanges. The Stock Market is basically a place where buyers and seller of a piece of a company come together and in the process the company hopefully raises some cash or other value.

Stock Markets for Beginners

Everyday we hear about it through all channels of media, be it print, broadcast (T.V. radio) and the web. You see, stock market is where marketable securities are traded – buying and selling of stocks. These marketable securities are stocks classified into common and preferred and bonds representing ownership to a public corporation.

Now let us limit our discussion to the confines of the definition and immediate relevant matters therein. You see under stock market you will be amaze that it will entail more than 10,000 topics that can be discuss and we will loose focus our goal of a simple introduction on stock market.

We will go further by identifying the marketplace. This market place for stocks is called the exchange or bourse. I’m pretty sure you have heard of New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and Tokyo Stock Exchange. And there are hundreds of stock exchanges all over the world, each doing the same thing that is (again) buying and selling of securities.

Do you have any idea on how much total capitalization of these exchanges put together? I would say about $36B, 36 billion Dollars is the value of all public corporations in the world. What do I mean? For example, we take a company listed at the exchange, Fluor Corp (NYSE:FLR) an American construction company listed at the New York Stock Exchange, it has a total market capital of $9B. We got the figure by multiplying current price of $50 to the number of shares outstanding which is 181.5Million. That’s the idea of market capitalization.

Who participates, and who does who on what are to do? Remember that stock market is trading of stocks, now the question, who are the personalities involved at the market. The brokers, are the ones who facilitates the buying and selling securities. The buyers are anybody willing to invest in such an instrument and the sellers who will divest ownership to that number of shares.

How is it done? Assuming you’re the prospective buyer, you have to look for a broker to execute a buy order. Law states that only brokers are authorize to do so. Next move involves the broker to place a buy order consisting of number of shares and the price. If there are sellers agreeable to your price then a trade is consummated.

Why do companies sell their shares at the stock market? Mostly these companies need more capital for expansion and others retire some of their long term debt. It also enhances the company profile as being a publicly traded company. Because by being a publicly traded company, they let public investors into their company as new owners and partake in business affairs of the company.

Guide for Investments in Foreign SE

In this world of global economy it is essential to understand what is happening in the stock markets in other parts of the world. These new financial markets may not impact us in any which way but definitely represent an opportunity to invest your money in those stock markets.

The stock markets of the world are of two types one where the economy is mature and not very thriving for example the stock market on England called the FTSE or the London Stock Exchange and several other countries like the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

These stock markets are very much like the US stock markets and definitely represent some amount of the global economy trade.

Next come the stock markets of the developing economies which are a barometer of how much the economy is thriving in these emerging economies. These stock markets of the world now have more people watching them than earlier because of two reasons,one is to see how the economy is performing and companies all around the world ,see these economies as potential markets to capture. The other set of people are investors who are keenly watching how much returns these markets are giving and are keen to invest in these markets so as to have a diversification of portfolio and have higher returns from these markets.

The emerging economies of the world are called BRIC economies which are Brazil, India,China and Russia. These four economies have the led the global economy march of first decade of the twenty first century.

Let us take an example of Bombay Stock Exchange now known as BSE. BSE represents the Indian stock market and has risen faster than all the stock markets in the world than two . In fact the BSE Sensex ,the index similar to the Dow Jones index has risen so much that people fear that the bubble will burst one day and there will be a havoc in the markets.In fact BSE index called sensex is modeled after the Dow jones index which has 30 stocks in the index. These 30 are the most of the blue chip companies across industries.

World stock markets apart from these four emerging economies have also risen and present ample opportunities to the overseas investors particularly with new breed of fund managers who have come onto the stage and are willing to take more risks in the economies of the countries as opposed to the earlier era where US stock market was what mattered the most.

Hot tips to success in Stock Exchange

As a beginner starting out in stock market investing you'll probably hear all sorts of advice on what will work and what won't when it comes to investing your money on the stock market and learning how to buy stocks. Well we've decided to reveal some of the true and tested strategies that successful stock market investors have used time and time again to their winning advantage.

Wait for your stocks to mature
Any investor who has been on the block for more then a minute will probably say that when you buy stocks you need to have some patience and wait - stock investing is not usually a get rich quick investment method. Once you have taken your time to research what you are buying and have made your purchases then have confidence in yourself and your broker's choices and sit back and wait. Don't just panic like many people do and sell off all your stocks when the market goes down a bit. Hold on to them as long as you can and you will often come out a winner.

Don't only buy stocks that are going up in price
Another thing to watch out for is to not only to buy stocks that are hot and rising just because everybody else is. Many new investors will often get caught up in the frenzy of hot stocks and buy in quickly. If a stock is already really high in price it may not be a good time to buy in so make sure you know what you're doing. There's a good chance that it will start to also go down just as fast as it went up. It's true there are times when it is good to buy into stocks that are going up but just remember make sure you think it's a good price and a solid stock that will continue to rise if you do decide to buy a stock that's rising in price.

Make sure to diversify
You'll hear this from any wise investor when it comes to buying not only stocks but any kind of investment. Diversification is one of the keys to success because you don't want to put all of your money into one place since it's never guaranteed there. When it comes to stocks you'll want to buy a healthy range of them. Of course some will perform better then others and that's just the name of the game. On the other hand don't over diversify because you really won't be able to properly track your stocks and understand what is going on with them. Stick to buying stocks of a small group of solid companies and work with those to start off.

Diversify ur risk - Tips

Stock market is not for the faint hearted they say. That is definitely correct and a lot of people who join the stock market bandwagon hearing stories about loads of money to be made usually are the ones who burn their fingers in the stock market very easily.

One single event can cause so much havoc in the market they can cause your portfolio to be wiped out in a day's session. That said the above statement is true that stock market is not for the faint hearted. But then there are always ways to make money in the stock market and there are a few tips which can help you make sure that you do not lose shirt in the market.

The best thing that you need to do is that make sure you have a portfolio which will help you diversify your risk. Now in that portfolio you can have stocks which are defensive in nature and some stocks which are aggressive in nature. Also make sure that the portfolio has stocks which pertain to different industries. For example it will be risky to have all the stocks from the technology industry because if tomorrow something happens to the technology industry may be like dot com bust in 1991 then all your stock investment will be down to zero.

So the key to the successful portfolio is diversification. Another way to diversify the risk and in effect stop the losses is to have a stop loss on every stock at a percentage of the average cost price. So if there is a stock meltdown tomorrow then you can at least be reasonably sure that you have not lost all your money and instead you have put a cap on your losses.

Also make sure that you book profits on the stocks as and when you reach a particular threshold level. That I would say is the toughest thing to do because when the stock is going up most people will usually tend to not sell in the hope of making more profits.
It is the single biggest mistake a lot of people do when they start in the stock market and start making profits. Greed for more money results in major losses for the some.

Also a getting a good financial planner is a must to make sure that you have wider investment avenues than just stock market. That helps as that means that you have some amount of money safely parked in investment vehicles on which can fall back on in case of need. That safety cushion gives you some amount of room to play with fire in the stock market.

Info about Firewall security Markets

Firewalls are crucial for companies with information on-line. However, because the security market is mature and well-established, decision makers need to know more than whether to pick an appliance or software firewall. They need to know how to pick the right firewall based on their companies' needs. This can be a daunting experience, given the thousands of criteria each solution has. To help you navigate through the market, the Information Security Firewalls Market Report looks at four of the leaders in the information securities firewall market: Cisco, Check Point, Juniper Networks, and Symantec. Earlier, we evaluated their solutions based on a set of priorities using TEC's decision engine (see Part One). To view all the criteria used and the subsequent results, visit TEC's security evaluation knowledge base at

In part two, we will continue to explore the firewall market, discuss current market trends, and make user recommendations on how to selection an appropriate solution.

This is Part two of a two-part note.

Part One provided the market overview, technology background, and product analysis.

Current Market Trends

While more and more companies are migrating to appliance firewalls, many appliance firewalls do not offer the flexibility of software firewalls. The advantage of appliance firewalls is that you can install and configure them more quickly, and often they offer performance gains that cannot be matched by software firewalls. However, the disadvantage of appliance firewalls is that they typically cannot respond to new security exploits as quickly as software firewalls. Software firewall vendors can respond to new exploits by releasing new code that organizations can download and install "on the fly". Additionally, updating an appliance firewall is more cumbersome and for that reason, appliance firewall vendors do not typically release updates as often.

While firewall and virtual private network (VPN) products were originally separate and distinct, the two product types have converged and now, most firewalls offer built-in VPN capabilities. Similarly, VPN products today come bundled with built-in firewalls. Check Point has in fact dropped the well-established Firewall-1 branding and now sells its firewall and VPN together in one package known as VPN-1. This could be confusing to prospective buyers who are looking for a firewall, and who may end up thinking that VPN-1 only offers VPN capabilities.

While traditionally most VPN products were either based on Internet protocol security� (IPSec) or secure sockets layer (SSL), more and more vendors are starting to offer both. IPSec is a collection of standards and works at the network layer. SSL works at the application layer. IPSec traffic can be routed, and SSL traffic cannot.

More vendors are starting to offer deep packet inspection (DPI). DPI is an exciting new technology that could cut into the intrusion detection and prevention market. Some IT decision makers may opt to purchase a DPI firewall in lieu of a stateful packet inspection (SPI) firewall and an additional intrusion detection system. Intrusion detection vendors should rightly be worried about losing market share and start innovating other technologies to remain competitive.

Recommendations to Enterprise Firewall Customers

There is significant value to be gained from one-stop-shopping. You can leverage better pricing and decrease administrative complexities. For these reasons, organizations that already have a significant investment in any of these vendor's products, and are, for the most part, satisfied with the products and service, should consider sticking with their trusted vendor. Switching vendors and products is extremely expensive and there should be lengthy requirements and justification for an IT decision maker to recommend switching significant amounts of firewalls from one vendor to another.

In many large enterprises, firewalls made by different vendors exist as part of the same architecture plan using a screened-subnet model. If you use two different vendors to set up a perimeter choke point, it is possible that an exploit get through the second firewall, if it has gotten through the first.

Check Point, Cisco, Juniper, and Symantec are all reputable vendors with good products. However, for networks that are laden with performance bottlenecks, Juniper or Cisco firewalls may be a better choice. Symantec makes an all around solid firewall based on the firewall code from its acquisition of AXENT.

Probably the biggest mistake IT decision makers make when purchasing firewalls is buying firewalls with features that they have no need for. Relevant Technologies recommends keeping your firewall requirements basic, and buying only those features you plan on using. For this reason, we recommend doing a full scale product evaluation that takes into consideration your priorities of the particular features offered on the market. While one type of firewall may be best for one organization, it may not necessarily be best for another organization because each organization has its own unique requirements. For example, if you're organization does not use SSL VPNs, you don't necessarily need to purchase a firewall with SSL options.

Large enterprises that are prone to network performance problems may want to take a close look at both Juniper and Cisco firewalls which are optimized for performance. Organizations that have had past security incidents related to application exploits may want to consider a DPI firewall. If your organization does not have a senior firewall engineer with a strong understanding of how firewalls work, you are probably better off using appliance firewalls. Savvy firewall engineers who are well-versed in security may prefer software firewalls due to their robust customizability.

Dell Notebook computer

Dell 6000 Notebook Computer


· Platform Technology–Intel Centrino

· Built-in Devices–Wireless LAN antenna , Stereo speakers , Bluetooth antenna

· Width–13.9 in

· Depth–10.2 in

· Height–1.5 in

· Weight–6.6 lbs

· Notebook type–Mid-size laptops (6-7.5 lbs.)

· Screen type–Widescreen

· Wireless capabilities–IEEE 802.11g , Bluetooth , IEEE 802.11b


· Enhanced SpeedStep technology , Power-optimized processor system bus , Execute Disable Bit capability

· Chipset typeIntel 915GM/PM

Cache Memory

· TypeL2 cache

· Cache size2.0 MB


· Installed Size512.0 MB / 2.0 GB (max)

· TechnologyDDR2 SDRAM - 400.0 MHz

· Memory specification compliancePC2-3200

· RAM form factorSO DIMM 200-pin

· RAM configuration features2 x 256 MB

Storage Controller

· Storage controller typeIDE


· Floppy DriveNone

· Hard Drive60.0 GB - 5400.0 rpm

· Storage RemovableNone

· Hard drive typePortable

Optical Storage


· CD / DVD read speed8x

Optical Storage (2nd)

· 2nd optical storage typeNone


· Display Type15.4 in TFT active matrix

· Max Resolution1680 x 1050 ( WSXGA+ )

· Widescreen DisplayYes


· Graphics Processor / VendorATI MOBILITY RADEON X300 PCI Express PCI Express

· Video Memory128.0 MB


· Audio output typeSound card

· Audio output compliant standardsAC ‘97 , Sound Blaster

Input Device(s)

· Input device typeKeyboard , Touchpad


· ModemFax / modem

· Max transfer rate56.0 Kbps

· Protocols & SpecificationsITU V.92


· NetworkingNetwork adapter

· Networking / Wireless LAN SupportedYes

· Wireless NICIntel PRO/Wireless 2200BG

· Data link protocolFast Ethernet , Bluetooth , Ethernet , IEEE 802.11b , IEEE 802.11g

· Networking standardsIEEE 802.11g , IEEE 802.11b

Expansion / Connectivity

· Expansion Slots Total (Free)2.0 ( 0.0 ) x Memory - SO DIMM 200-pin , 1.0 ( 1.0 ) x SD Memory Card - Type I/II , 1.0 ( 1.0 ) x PC Card

· Interfaces1.0 x IEEE 1394 (FireWire) - Ethernet 10Base-T/100Base-TX - RJ-11 , 1.0 x Display / video - VGA - 15 pin HD D-Sub (HD-15) , 1.0 x Hi-Speed USB - S-video output - RJ-45 , 1.0 x Modem - Phone line - 4 pin USB Type A , 1.0 x Display / video , 4.0 x Network


· FeaturesIntel PRO/Wireless


· Power device form factorExternal

· Voltage RequiredAC 120/230 V

· Power provided65.0 Watt


· TechnologyLithium ion

· Installed Qty1.0

· Battery capacity96.0 Wh

Operating System / Software

· OS ProvidedMicrosoft Windows XP Professional

· SoftwareDrivers & Utilities

Manufacturer Warranty

· Service & Support1 year warranty

Acer Product


New Acer Aspire One 10-inch notebook offically announced.
Newly updated version has a wide screen and more memory. It comes with WSVGA LED backlit display with a resolution of 1,024 x 600 10.1inch screen and can be fitted with up to 2Gb of memory.The older version had only an 8.9inch display and could only be fitted with up to 1.5Gb memory. The starting weight of this new aspire one is 1.18kg, but this is with standard 3 cell battery which gives a backup BATTERY time of 3 hours.If u need to increase your bakup time you have 2 choices. Two larger six-cell packs are available, one rated at 4400mAh for up to six hours use and another rated at 5200mAh for up to seven hours.The New Aspire One comes embedded with Mobile Intel 945GSE Express Chipset or Mobile Intel 82801GBM Chipset powered by Intel Atom processor.It has a in-built 160 gb 2.1inch of HDD storage, 802.11b/g Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and also a optional internal 3G broadband modem, or a WiMax adapter cab be connected. Important thing that one should remember while buyiny this notebook is that, this new version comes only with Windows XP while the old version was available in versions with Linpus Linux. I dont know when this newly updated Acer Aspire one will be available in market but i’m sure that it will be before the last week of feb.

Sony products

Sony VAIO Z520N/B

Sony VAIO Z520N/Bis a stylish look laptop that has great exciting features that won’t let you down.As you can see in the picture it is stylish but is a bit costly.It has very high storage memory and also has a very high RAM which helps you run applications faster.It has a 13.1″ wide LCD screen laptop with a 250 GB of hard disk space.It has a 3 GB of RAM alongwith 3 MB of L2 cache.So if you see its features you will find it very helpful.

  • Dimensions of 8.3 x 12.4 x 1.3 inches
  • Weight of just 3.3 pounds
  • Intel core 2 duo P8400 2.26 GHz processor
  • 3 MB L2 cache
  • Genuine microsoft windows vista business
  • 13.1″ wide LCD screen
  • 250GB of hard disk
  • 3 GB of RAM
  • Fingerprint scanner
  • Stylish look
  • Hybrid graphics system
  • Wireless WAN
  • Front web camera
  • stereo sound quality
  • DVD drive with writing mode
  • Bluetooth

Museums Introduction

Museum is nothing but the older articles kept in a room and it will be displayed to all over the peoples for it. To know the usage and helpfullness of this older articles. Some museums, they will have many kind of pictures which is drawn by the main peoples of artists. it will be also kept in the museum in front of the peoples.

This national award winning museum exhibits a wide selection of mainly British toys from c1900 to the present. It is housed in adjoining carefully restored late 18th Century buildings, one a former hat factory and the other a joiner's workshop. The museum is situated in what is probably the best preserved court in the area, its entrance is in Market Place. Cockermouth Castle overlooks the museum.

The entrance to the museum is arranged as the interior of an old toy shop sometime around the mid 1950's. Set off following the Teddy Bear paw prints and look into the packed toy shop windows full of train sets, dolls, games...... in fact, all the things we really wanted but seldom received!

Around the museum are many buttons to press and visitor operated displays including 0 and 00 Hornby tinplate trains, Scalextric cars, Meccano, Lego and even working models made from card.

Gandhiji Museums

This museums displays information about Mahatma Gandhi, and most importantly it showcases the original blood-stained garment of Gandhi when he was assassinated by Nathuram Godse. The other piece of the garment is kept at the Gandhi Museum in Delhi.

This museum not only famous for gandhiji and also this is famous for many reasons like which are all described below for ur persual. This famous mosque (masjid) is located at the heart of Madurai city, within 500 metres of the Periyar(Central)bus stand and within 1 kilometre South East of the Madurai railway junction. Hazrat Kazi Syed Tajuddin, who came from Oman during late 12th century, received this land from the king, Koon Pandiyan, and constructed the mosque which is the earliest Muslim place of worship in Madurai. All of his descendants (Huqdars - shareholders of that mosque are called Syeds) have lived in the same locality for 700 years, and have managed the mosque since then. Syed Tajuddin was appointed as Kazi of the sultans, and still his descendants who live at Kazimar street, Madurai, are appointed as Kazis to the Government of Tamil Nadu. All Syeds belong to the Sunni sect of Islam, its Hanafi school. Most of the descendants of Kazi Syed Tajuddin are shadhilis (shazuli) and follow the Sufi order Fassiyatush Shadhiliya.

These are all the main features of this museum which is placed in india, and it was the main features that were displayed in this museum. Its mainly consists of gandhiji work and his goodness.

Egytians Museums

Greatest collection of Egyptian antiquities is, without doubt, that of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. It is a place of true discovery and, even after many visits, I continue to make new and delightful discoveries every time I venture into its many galleries.

In 1984 the Uruguayan Society of Egyptology opened an Egyptian Museum with the purpose of offering the students of the Uruguayan Institute of Egyptology an opportunity to see ancient Egyptian objects without leaving our premises. The small collection consisted then of mostly good reproductions of such objects obtained from big European or North American museums.

The Egyptian Museum of Antiquities contains many important pieces of history. Not only does it house the world’s largest collection of Pharaonic antiquities, it also houses the many treasures of King Tutankhamen, and many interesting statues that moved with the museums many re-locations. The Egyptian government established the museum, built in 1835 near the Asbakiya Gardens. The museum soon moved to Boulaq in 1858 because the original building was too small to hold all of the artifacts. In 1855, shortly after the artifacts were moved, Duke Maximilian of Austria was given all of the artifacts. He hired a French architect to design and construct a new museum for the antiquities. The new building was to be constructed on the bank of the Nile River in Boulaq. In 1878, after the museum was completed for some time, it suffered irreversible damage; a flood of the Nile River caused the antiquities to be relocated to another museum, in Giza. The artifacts remained there until 1902 when they were moved, for the last time to the current museum in Tahrir Square. This is the history of Egyptian Museums.

World Museums

The Museum history is been introduced in older century. But some of the new museums was introduced in new century. This museum was introduced only by the peoples those who were struggled to get their freedom from the other rulling peoples those who were rulling their country. In some contries the peoples were rulled by the rulling committee peoples and they use the major weapon and instruments for their ownly purposes. These weapons and instruments were kept in the world museum for the peoples those who lived in this century to know about them and their freedom struggles. In some Museum the freedom strugglers photos and there regular used things were also be kept for the peoples to know.

But rarely this all kind of weapons and instruments were kept in the museum for the purpose of known to the peoples those who lives in the new century. This things which were kept in the museum should not be theft. So, each and every museum there will be a guard to look of the the museum things and it should be maintained by the government of each and every country pride. The museum will be occupied by the Cam. To prevent theft of the things from the museum. And the timings of the museum visitors and address will be also noted in some of the museum for the prevent of theft.

The Museum consists of older century peoples instruments and freedom fighters weapons and instruments and their daily usage things and their photos and their history of each and every freedom fighters. This are all the main History of world museum.

Intel Core 2 Duo

Intel Core 2 Duo desktop processor is an energy-efficient marvel, packing 291 million transistors yet consuming 40 percent lower power, while delivering the performance needed for the applications of today and tomorrow." This processors are built in several of the world's most advanced, high-volume output manufacturing facilities using Intel's leading 65-nanometer silicon process technology. The desktop PC desktop pc version of the processors also provide up to a 40 percent increase in performance and are more than 40 percent more energy efficient energy efficient versus Intel's previous best processor. According to multiple independent review organizations, the processors win more than nine out of 10 major server, desktop PC and gaming PC. The Intel Core 2 Duo processor family consists of five desktop PC processors tailored for business, home, and enthusiast users, such as high-end gamers, and five mobile PC processors designed to fit the needs of a mobile lifestyle. Intel Core 2 Duo processor-based workstations will also deliver industry leading performance for such areas as design, content creation and technical computing. The processor family is based on the revolutionary Intel Core microarchitecture, designed to provide powerful yet energy-efficient performance. With the power of dual cores, or computing engines, the processors can manage numerous tasks faster. They also can operate more smoothly when multiple applications are running, such as writing e-mails while downloading music or videos and conducting a virus scan. These dual-core chips also improve tasks, such as viewing and playing high-definition video, protecting the PC and its assets during e-commerce transactions, and enabling improved battery life for sleeker, lighter notebooks.Consumers and businesses will have the option to purchase Intel Core 2 Duo processors as part of Intel's premier market-focused platforms, which are made up of Intel hardware and software technologies tailored to specific computing needs, including Intel vPro technology for businesses, Intel Centrino Duo mobile technology for laptops, and Intel Viiv technology for the home. Many of the products will also offer a selection of Intel-designed and integrated technologies such as Intel Virtualization Technology and Intel Active Management Technology that make the PC more secure and manageable. Also, support for 64-bit computing now expands to notebook PCs. The new processors can be paired with the Intel 975X, 965, and Mobile Intel 945 Express chipset family. This Intel 965 Express chipset includes the latest integrated graphics and Intel Clear Video Technology. All these chipsets are Microsoft Windows Vista Premium Ready. The Intel core has not stopped their new chipset models they were introducing many chips which were in less in weight and more memory in use. The latest intel chipset is also introduced in the market for the peoples to enjoy with the memory capacity and the faster. This are all the main features of intel core core duo and it was the famous and familiar all over the world for the peoples each and every processor contains their own equal faster.This are all the main features of intel core 2 duo and the usage of it was described.

Interl dual core

Intel®Core™ 2 Duo:

Intel plays the vital role in around the world in desktop and many processor were launched by this company and each processor consists of different capacity of speed and storage capacity according to the processor. The above processor has many varieties and each and every processor contains their equal rights to handle the pc. It was rapid and faster among all the companies. The Intel Company stands No.1 company all over the world and the chipmaker is also plays a gud roll for the company and they stands the best chipmaker and the chip level off the coutnry. It is the main features of it. It the world number one chipmaker yesterday unveiled 10 Intel Core 2 Duo and Intel Core 2 Extreme processors processors for consumer and business desktop and laptop PCs and workstations, reshaping how computers perform, look, consume power, sound and produce heat. Intel Core 2 core 2 Duo processors feature two complete computer engine cores on a single chip. The highly anticipated processor family already has very broad support with more than 550 customer system designs underway -the most in Intel's history. Ultimately, tens of thousands of businesses will sell computers or components based on these processors. And the prognosis is good. "The Core the core 2 Duo processors are simply the best processors in the world," said Paul Otellini, president and CEO of Intel. "Not since Intel introduced the Pentium processor has the industry seen the heart of the computer reinvented like this.

About Mobile phones

Mobile phone started by the single company and now it was flourished to many companies and each and every company have their talent of introducing new model of phones and different varieties of mobile phone. Its introduction has started in many decades back and it came as a failure and after a long struggle many companies have grouped together and introduced and they came in to success and they have throughly given steps to prevent any small mistakes and they succeeded .According to internal memos, American Telephone & Telegraph discussed developing a wireless phone in 1915, but were afraid deployment of the technology could undermine its monopoly on wired service in the U.S. The first commercial mobile phone service was launched in Japan by NTT in 1978. By November 2007, the total number of mobile phone subscriptions in the world had reached 3.3 billion, or half of the human population (although some users have multiple subscriptions, or inactive subscriptions), which also makes the mobile phone the most widely spread technology and the most common gadget in the world.The first mobile phone to enable internet connectivity and wireless email, the Nokia Communicator, was released in 1996, creating a new category of expensive phones called smartphones. In 1999 the first mobile internet service was launched by NTT DoCoMo in Japan under the i-Mode service. By 2007 over 798 million people around the world accessed the internet or equivalent mobile internet services such as WAP and i-Mode at least occasionally using a mobile phone rather than a personal computer.